
Dr. Unnati, Surat

I really want to thank Dr. Rupal Shah for being so generous and active in treating my father who was having symptoms of covid-19 with severe fever spike and weakness but the camphor medicine has worked out to be the most effective to him and helped him recover with those symptoms in a shorter time.


Dr. Swati Lokhandwala, for Jijaji in Surat

Just to mention that my jijaji is better and back home but with 2/3 litres of oxygen going in.
He was on the NIV stage when we started with camphora 10M.
Thanks to Dr. Rupal, she made it available for my nephews in Surat. And I definitely feel this prevented him from going into the invasive ventilatory stage as his lungs were damaged upto 80 pc. All the medicines were tried...it was almost a no hope case.
Slowly and steadily he improved from 15 litres to 2/3 litres since 21 days in the hospital.


Neelakshi Chopra, Chandigarh

I am a great believer in the power of homoeopathy to cure our body. My family and I have personally experienced the miraculous power of these tiny pills. From a simple headache to severe food poisoning, severe debilitating backache and depression, I have not even tried allopathic medicines.

Dr Balvinder Singh has been our doctor and counselor for the last twenty years and has successfully treated many problems for which allopathy has no solution.

I vouch safe for his immense knowledge and understanding of homoeopathy apart from being a compassionate human being.


Ms Seema Jain, Amritsar

Homoeopathy has been a blessing and a boon for me. Dr. Balvinder Singh is a genius of matchless excellence. His know-how and mastery has cured my auto-immune disorder - Rheumatoid Arthritis. These medicines have saved me from the vicious circle created by allopathic drugs and made me more positive and confident. It’s an elixir for all general and chronic diseases. Homoeopathy is a “ PANACEA” for human life. We all should contribute in spreading the wave of homoeopathy and carry this magic wand across the globe.


Boxwala Family, Mumbai & Australia

Our family has habitually used homoeopathy as a mode of treatment for the past 20 years with Dr Rupal Desai as the facilitator. It has been effective and therapeutic with a range of physical and mental ailments for each and everyone of us. Dr Rupal uses counselling to provide long term solutions with a focus on wholesome well-being.

Two of us have been suffering prolonged gastro-intestinal problems that homoeopathy is helping curb and control where other medication has been ineffective.

The youngest in our family was a hyperactive baby. Homoeopathy helped calm him, increased his immunity and regulated his behavior.

We sincerely recommend homoeopathy and Dr Rupal's practice to everyone!


Pooja Chandani, Bangalore & Mumbai

I was introduced to doctor Rupal Shah in the year 2009 when I had just moved to Mumbai. I was referred to her by my mother.

My parents have been patients of Dr Rupal since 2006.

My dad was advised a hip surgery. He was suffering from severe hip pain. He then started taking homoeopathic medicines from Dr. Rupal and continued for almost a year, He was free of his pain.

I used to suffer from frequent cold and cough and was constantly on anti allergents. That's when I started taking homoeopathy medicines from Dr. Rupal. My faith in homoeopathy became stronger.

So I decided to introduce my children to homoeopathy at a very early age. My daughter was a year old when she was stung by a bee. The sting had to be removed and allopathic doctors had advised a minor surgery. I had faith in homoeopathy and Dr. Rupal Shah. The swelling on the feet reduced and surgery was not required.

Dr. Rupal has been very very patient with us. She has always heard us out. When ever I have visited her I realized that she would go to the depth of the problem in search of the root cause.

Not all doctors give so much of time to their patients.