Severe burn in a Diabetic patient of 85 yrs old treated with Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy Epicentre team treated the patient in the lockdown, there was rapid improvement in 5 days of causticum 30 TID. The patient is very satisfied.

Such cases need months of treatment and result in bad scarring. But with the expertise of HE, you can expect the best management of your health problems!

Clinical tip to homoeopaths: Causticum 30 is the best-proven remedy for severe burns cases with minimum disfigurement!

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Extensive eczema

90 yrs lady Mrs. M.S.,

Was visited at home. She was treated for the extensive skin eruptions, itching, diarrhea, and suspiciousness. In 2 months, with simple homoeopathy medicines only, the skin cleared out considerably, diarrhoea reduced and in 3 months time skin was all clear, and her mental problems also subsided considerably. No cumbersome creams and capsules and tablets and lotions were applied..nothing.

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Carbuncle (gangrene) in a diabetic male…

My carpenter came to me with 4-6 inches Carbuncle (gangrene of skin) on his back due to uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus in Dec 2017. Regular dressing from a surgeon and allopathy medicines were beyond his reach. He was told it can take 6-8 months to heal if he dressed it regularly.

The ulcer margins were cleared by a surgeon and was put on insulin and medicines but the ulcer- carbuncle was not improving. After our inexpensive homoeopathy medicines, in 40 days his back was cleared and the carbuncle healed completely.

That's a miraculous cure for any standards!

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    After 3 weeks

  • After 3 weeks

Young male with Hepatic Coma in Asha Parekh General Hospital, Santacruz, Mumbai..

Employee of this boy of around 21 yrs called us to see his boy with jaundice and hepatic coma in hospital in 1993. They wanted to know if we had anything to offer for this boy as there was nothing allopathy could offer. When we saw, he was a lean and dark and medium height male, was not responding. We saw the reports, and relatives gave the history.

From all the study, my colleague and I, treated him with homoeopathy, and in 2 days the boy came out of coma, recovered from jaundice in 1 week and and was sent home!

Warts Managed successfully with Homoeopathy

Another success story from Homoeopathy Epicentre.
This man of 35 years of age has multiple recurring warts all over his face, neck and thumb and was asked to have surgery to get rid of them.
In the next month of treatment at Homoeopathy Epicentre, all his warts were cleared and disappeared. And there was no need for surgery!
After Surgical removal of warts, which is not only expensive but there are high chances of relapse as it does not treat the deeper tendency of the body. At Homoeopathy Epicentre, we make sure to treat you from the roots along with the physical symptoms and the relief is almost permanent.

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Warts in Fingers Treated completely with Homoeopathy

Sharing a case of a 10 years old boy having warts on fingers as seen in the pictures. Another complaint was of offensive urine.
Patient responded very well with one dose of the Remedy Nit acid.
It was prescribed on clinical experience and therapeutics knowledge without going into extensive case taking. And the patient is still doing fine in every way! Detailed case taking and prescriptions had failed so far.
See before and after pictures.

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