Hello Friends,

We, at Homeopathy Epicentre, wish all is well with you!!

Arsenic alb 30 and homeopathy are Ghar Ghar ki Kahani now and need no introduction. Time has proved that Homoeopathy and a homoeopath are a must for every healthy family.

Why Homoeopathy?

Homoeopath’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health in the most RAPID, GENTLE N PERMANENT WAY.

It treats not the disease but treats the person in disease, making him stronger to overcome the problem. So, it can treat new/unknown infections successfully. Homoeopathy is very relevant in the current pandemic as it is not based on allopathy principals, it’s based on signs and symptoms of the disease. 

Doesn’t need a vaccine to treat a new infection. Homeopathy works like a vaccine through minuscule doses stimulating the immunity not only giving protection against as well as assists in curing the infection.

Why Ars.alb. ? 

It’s well known as the best antidote to poison from dead/infected animal matters- food poisoning too.

Psychology of grief, material pursuits, global recession, bankruptcy, fear of disease, impending infection n death, hysteria, hypochondriasis, cleanliness mania are the main forte of personalities needing Ars alb. 

Infections are caused when an individual’s immunity goes down,  this happens beyond doubts due to anxiety, fear, fright, grief. 

Ars alb. improves coping by creating a heightened awareness of possibilities to cope better in seemingly hopeless situations. This betters one’s immunity and keeps infections at bay.

Is Arsenic safe to consume?

In Ars alb 30 Dilution arsenic compound is diluted and potentized so much that to the scale of 10-60, in the USA, the allowable level of arsenic in drinking water is 10-8.  Matter crosses Avogadro’s no (probability of having 1 molecule of matter in the dilution at 10-23 scale.

“Nanoparticles- basis for Homoeopathic medicines. Dr.Jayesh Ballare, IITMumbai, 

All biological work in the human organism happens at the most dilute levels.

Why 30C? 

The dilution 10-60 has the highest chance of working unless a person’s vitality is very low.

Advocated for most purposes by (founder) Dr. Hahnemann. Most extensively verified by Dr. Amarsingh Nikam, Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital, Pimpri.

Ever wondered how much amount of CoronaVirus needed to halt the world? Just less than 1 gram !!

Ars alb. 30 and it’s dosage is as per AYUSH health ministry guidance, printed in the bottles.  Repetition of doses advised – every 2-3 weeks in red zone till it abates.

For more info on why Ars alb 30, Homoeopathy’s track record in Pandemics, table n how homeopathy works do visit our website-www.homoeopathyepicentre.com.

Homoeopathy is an important health care system for your and your family’s safety. For regular updates and patronage. http/www.homoeopathyepicentre.com

Chances of getting corona to an individual ? an approximate calculation —


To successfully infect , the virus needs a dose of:  More than1000 viral particles (vp)

The typical environmental spread of activities:

Breath: ~20 vp/minute

Speaking: ~200 vp/minute

Cough: ~200 million vp (enough of these may remain in air for hours in a poorly ventilated environment)

Sneeze: ~200 million vp

FORMULA – Successful infection = Exposure to Virus × Time


* Being in vicinity of someone (with 6 ft distancing): Low risk if limit to less than 45 minutes

* Talking to someone face to face (with mask): Low risk if limit to less than 4 minutes

* Someone passing by walking/jogging/cycling: Low risk

* Well-ventilated spaces, with distancing: Low risk (limit duration)

* Grocery shopping: Medium risk (can reduce to low by limiting time and following hygiene)

* Indoor spaces: High risk

* Public Bathrooms/Common areas: High fomites/surface transfer risk

* Restaurants: High risk (can reduce to Medium risk by sitting outdoors with distancing and surface touch awareness)

* Workplaces/Schools (even with social distancing): Very high risk, including high fomite transfer risk

* Parties/Weddings: Very high risk

* Business networking/conferences: Very high risk

* Arenas/Concerts/Cinemas: Very high risk


The bottom line factors one can use to calculate the risk are: 

– indoors vs outdoors

– narrow spaces vs large, ventilated spaces 

– high people density vs low density

– longer exposure vs brief exposure

The risks will be higher for former scenarios.