Frequently asked questions

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If not exposed to sun and humidity, they last for 2-3 years easily.
Through Bank transfer. It is most preferred.
The treatment is extended by the team of experts at the Homoeopathy Epicentre and will be followed up in the same way..its not an individual clinic as the team is constantly updated about each and every patient and managed in the same way.
Homoeopathy medicines act as fast or slow as pet the problem you have been having..
It imparts results in treatment for fever and infections in hours and asthma and joint pain with swelling redness and injuries or accidents or pus filled areas with severe inflammations in a day or two also…
And if you have a depression or thyroid problem or hypertension of years, then it will take somewhat longer to get in check, with some ups and downs on the way to cure…but will be still much faster than the time for which the problem is persisting…
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